Monday, March 30, 2009


Yesterday, March 29, was my brother's graduation and kuya invited me to be there knowing that I'll be just their photographer/videocam-er whatever. It started 2pm in Aguinaldo Hall at Island Cove up to 6pm. Yeah, the whole thing was boring and I'm sitting with Isabel (you know I hate Isabel) so uh I don't know what to do to make myself busy. I don't want to chat with Isabel so I texted Una and Hance anyway. The place was cold and I'm freezing like there were five or six aircon beside me. whatever. At the end of graduation, I'm still their photographer and they always want me to shoot them in different places and it was unfair because it should be a family picture and I'm not included. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. While I'm walking, I was surprised when Binx grabbed my hand and introduce me to her father (my eyes are wide open at that time) to shoot them with her family but her father didn't understand and he thought that I was included to the picture. Lol. But no, I supposed to take a picture of Binx, her mother and her fathere so I will be the one to hold her father's dslr and shoot them. I don't know what I feel that time but I know that when I shoot them, it was not blurred. :P Okay bye.

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